
We were asked to design a series of frames for desks. We aimed at creating a family of simple and elegant steel frames. They had to be both adjustable and fixed and with different sizes. The frames are made with tubes in three different diameters. These differences create a hierarchy between vertical, horizontal and diagonal. Adjustable feet in solid steel create a subtle distance between ground and frame. The steel is finished with a wax, therefore maintaining its ‘natural’ blueish-black colour.

Roos Cornelissen and Hinke Majoor
Arthur Dekker
Exhibited at:
De Invasie Antwerpen
125 x 80 cm, 160 x 80 cm,
125 x 125 cm, ⌀125 cm,
⌀170 cm, 225 x 90 cm oval,
240 x 95 cm oval

More information and prices on request.