Hinke gave a lecture and workshop at the Minor of Interiors Buildings and Cities (TU Delft), together with York Bing Oh (Atelier Oh). The students are working on the design of an exhibition for the faculty of Aerospace and Engineering at the TU Delft.
Hinke gave a design studio at the Academy of Architecture in Rotterdam (RAVB), together with York Bing Oh (Atelier Oh) and Eric Crevels (TU Delft). At the open studios the work was presented. The projects varried from furniture-like interventions to installations, situated in the academy building.
The carpets for the City Hall of Antwerp are delivered, installed and photographed
Thanks for the beautiful images by Tijs Vervecken!
The kitchen for W was installed!
Great work by the MSc students at the mid term in Delft.
Thanks for having Hinke as visiting critic. At the chair of Interiors, Buildings and Cities.
Hinke taught in the studio 'Cooking and Making' together
with Andy Yu (Sou Fujimoto Architects).
Our design for the Dilsen cultural centre won 2nd prize!
In collaboration with Sophie van Noten en Steven van Besien.
We followed an interesting workshop building with hempcrete
by Ecobouwsaland / Kalkhennep Nederland.
From March 9th - 25th 2018 there is an exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp. Included the results of a worshop we gave to pupils of an elemantary school. In collaboration with Jente Hendrickx.
On the 9th of February Hinke will give a lecture about our own work and his work for the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design (RAvB).
From January onwards Hinke will work - next to Studio Lommer - as a coordinator of the architecure master at the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design (RAvB) Photo: RAvB.
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